Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 12, 2012

selamat ulang tahun, UMI


tepat jam 12am! tanggal 13 April 2012, genap umi berumur 61 tahun.......................


 moga umi sentiasa diberkati ALLAH SWT, dipanjangkan usia dan cepat-cepat sembuh.....adk SAYANG umi!!!!!!

ketahuilah, umi adalah sumber inspirasi adk dalam melayari kehidupan dunia yg penuh dugaan dan cabaran.........

jangan pernah putus asa....insyaALLAH,dengan izinNYA umi akan sembuh!.....umi kne kuat!sebab adk xkan mmpu hadapi smuenye tanpa umi.......

                                                                  #my L.O.V.E

*KAMI SAYANG UMI............

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tentang SI DIA


barangkali, inilah tempat luahan isi hati.....tatkala melihat sahabat menderita akibat CINTA, aku mulai resah!gelisah!YA ALLAH, adakah hubungan aku dan si dia akan mengalami nasib yang sama??oh.......#mimpi di siang hari rupanya!.........

aku yakin, si dia adalah tuan punya rusukku dia banyak mengajar aku erti kehidupan....

  • apa itu pengorbanan?
  • apa itu sayang?
  • apa itu cinta?
  • apa itu benci?
  • apa itu marah?
  • yang paling penting, apa itu KASIH.....dan SETIA!
dan aku begitu yakin dan pasti, si dia mmpu menjadi SUAMI dan PAPA yg baik utk aku dan anak-anak, INSYAALLAH......aku mengharapkan panas sepanjang hari....tidak mahu hujan di tengahari.....tapi siapalah aku.....aku hanyala insan biasa, tidak sempurna!!..

terima kasih atas segalanya SI DIA....terima kasih kerna menerima aku dan keluargaku seadanya!.....

Monday, August 1, 2011




andai mereka tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu siangnya mereka sibuk berzikir
tentu mereka tak akan jemu melagukan syair rindu
mendayu..merayu. ..kepada- NYA Tuhan yang satu
andai mereka tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu sholat mereka dikerjakan di awal waktu
sholat yang dikerjakan.. .sungguh khusyuk lagi tawadhu'
tubuh dan qalbu...bersatu memperhamba diri
menghadap Rabbul Jalil... menangisi kecurangan janji
"innasolati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati lillahirabbil 'alamin"
[sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku, dan matiku...
kuserahkan hanya kepada Allah Tuhan seru sekalian alam]

andai mereka tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tidak akan mereka sia siakan walau sesaat yang berlalu
setiap masa tak akan dibiarkan begitu saja
di setiap kesempatan juga masa yang terluang
alunan Al-Quran bakal mereka dendang...bakal mereka syairkan

andai mereka tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu malamnya mereka sibukkan dengan
bertarawih.. .bertadarus.. .berqiamullail. ..bertahajjud. ..
mengadu...merintih. ..meminta belas kasih
"sesungguhnya aku tidak layak untuk ke syurga-MU
tapi...aku juga tidak sanggup untuk ke neraka-MU"

andai mereka tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu mereka tak akan melupakan orang yang tersayang

andai mereka tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu mereka bakal menyediakan batin dan zahir
mempersiap diri...rohani dan jasmani
menanti-nanti jemputan Izrail
di kiri dan kanan ...lorong-lorong redha Ar-Rahman
mari kita meriahkan Ramadhan
kita buru...kita cari...suatu malam idaman
yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan

Duhai Ilahi....
andai ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kami
jadikanlah ia Ramadhan paling berarti...paling berseri...
menerangi kegelapan hati kami
menyeru ke jalan menuju ridho serta kasih sayangMu Ya Ilahi
semoga bakal mewarnai kehidupan kami di sana nanti

Namun teman...
tak akan ada manusia yang bakal mengetahui
apakah Ramadhan ini merupakan yang terakhir kali bagi dirinya
yang mampu bagi seorang hamba itu hanyalah
berusaha...bersedia ...meminta belas-NYA
wahai tuhan ku tak layak kesyurgamu ... namun tak pula aku sanggup ke Nerakamu ... kami lah hamba yang mengharap belas darimu "ya allah jadikan lah kami hamba2 mu yang bertaqwa..ampunkan dosa2 kami, dosa kedua ibubapa kami .dosa semua umat2 islam yang masih hidup mahupun yang telah meninggal dunia" Amin.....

andai benar ini Ramadhan terakhir buatku

Berikut ialah sedikit ilmu yg ingin dikongsi bersama sahabat2 sempena ketibaan bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini.

Kenapa Bulan Ramadhan in special ?

1.Bulan Nabi kita dilantik sebagai Rasulullah.
2.Bulan diturunkan Kitab2 Suci Zabur,Taurat,Injil & Quran.
3.Hanya bulan Ramadhan disebut dalam Quran.
4.Hanya bulan Ramadhan diwajibkan puasa.
5. Bulan dimana Rasulullah mula berhijrah .
6.Bulan yg disunatkan solat terawikh.
7.Bulan pahala yg berlipat berganda.
8.Bulan dibelenggukan syaitan.
9.Bulan Lailatul qadar ,malam yg lebih baik daripada 1000 bulan .(83yrs ++)

Persiapan Menjelang Ramadhan :

1.Rasa seronok menunggu kedatangan bulan yg penuh dgn keberkatan.
2.Anggaplah Ramadhan kali ini yg terakhir kita dan kuatkan azam utk sempurna puasa dgn terbaik
3.Banyakkan doa utk puasa dgn jujur dan rendah hati.
4.Berazam utk jauhi adat2 yg bertentangan dgn islam dan aktiviti yg sia2.
5.Pasang niat utk banyakkan baca quran dan zikrullah etc.
6.Bermaaf2an, beristighfar dan bertaubat.
7.Buat jadual harian dan set target  .

Adab2 Berpuasa :

1.Jaga hati dgn sentiasa mengingati Allah.
2.Hindari melihat/bercakap perkara2 yg haram.
3.Hindari kaki tangan dari melakukan perkara2 maksiat.
4.Jangan banyak tidur.
5.Jangan boros berbelanja.
6.Jangan berlebihan berbuka puasa,nanti susah utk qiamullail.
7.Banyakkan qiamullail dan baca quran
8.Banyakkan  zikrullah & selawat.
9.Banyakkan bersedekah dan beri orang makan utk buka puasa.
10.Sempurnakan solat fardhu 5 waktu dan tutup aurat.

Akhirkata rebutlah 5 perkara sebelum datang 5 perkara:

1.hidup sebelum mati
2.muda sebelum tua
3.sihat sebelum sakit
4.lapang sebelum sibuk
5.senang sebelum susah.

Sekadar ingat mengingati sahaja. Wallahu A’lam



“Sesiapa yang mengajak ke jalan hidayat, maka baginya dari pahala seperti pahala (sebanyak pahala) pengikutnya,dengan tidak mengurangi sedikit pun dari pahala mereka .Dan sesiapa yang mengajak ke jalan sesat, maka menanggung dosa sebanyak dosa-dosa pengikutnya, dengan tidak mengurangi dari dosa-dosa mereka sedikit pu n.
(Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim)

Bacaan Niat Puasa:

“Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari menunaikan Fardhu Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala”.

Bacaan  Berbuka Puasa:
“ Ya Tuhanku, keranaMu jua aku berpuasa, dan denganMu aku beriman dan di atas rezekiMu aku berbuka dengan belas kasihMu Ya Allah Ya Amat Mengasihi”.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ

  Ini merupakan ingatan bersama. Sama-sama lah kita mengingatkan diri kita..jangan lupa kejar KPI yang MAHA ESA…kerana itu yang akan menentukan kebahagian selamanya.. Wallahu’alam

Monday, July 25, 2011


Once upon a time there was a painter who had just completed his
course. He took 3 days and painted beautiful scenery. He wanted
people's opinion about his caliber and painting skills.

He put his creation at a busy street-crossing. And just down below a
board which read -"I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this
profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc.
Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake."

While he came back in the evening to collect his painting he was
completely shattered to see that whole canvass was filled with Xs
(crosses) and some people had even written their comments on the

Disheartened and broken completely he ran to his master's place and
burst into tears.

This young artist was breathing heavily and master heard him
saying"I'm useless and if this is what I have learnt to paint I'm not
worth becoming a painter. People have rejected me completely. I feel
like dying"

Master smiled and suggested "My Son, I will prove that you are a great
artist and have learnt flawless painting. Do as I say without
questioning it. It WILL work."

Young artist reluctantly agreed and two days later early morning he
presented a replica of his earlier painting to his master. Master took
that gracefully and smiled.

"Come with me." master said.

They reached the same street-square early morning and displayed the
same painting exactly at the same place. Now master took out another
board which read -"Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I'm new
to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes
etc. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please do a
favor. If you see a mistake, kindly pick up the brush and correct it."

Master and disciple walked back home.

They both visited the place same evening. Young painter was surprised
to see that actually there was not a single correction done so far.
Next day again they visited and found painting remained untouched.
They say the painting was kept there for a month for no correction
came in!

Moral of the story:

It is easier to criticize, but DIFFICULT TO IMPROVE!


“Don’t trust nobody these days!”

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Good to be aware!
If you have not received this, it is a useful read.
Subject: Midvalley Mega Mall Dangerous Experience - PLEASE READ!!
 Please read and discuss with your family members and friends if this is probable .... of course, it is possible !!!Please disseminate to all your love ones.. if can happen in KL, it can also happen anywhere in the world. You think this modus operandi will only work on those guillible and naive but sometimes, even the most guarded ones can fall prey. These evil people are getting more evil and thinking of so many ways to carry out their evil deeds. We must keep reading these bad experiences, however unpleasant they are. It is thru all these information that these affected people who are kind enough to share; that we learn to be more careful and not let our guard down. Therefore, the least we can do is to brace ourselves and be more careful and pay heed.


To the men
: warn your loved ones!
To the women
: remember this!

About a month ago there was a woman standing by the Mega Mall entrance passing out flyers to all the women going in. The woman had written the flyer herself to tell about an experience she had, so that she might warn other women.

The previous day, this woman had finished shopping, went out to her car and discovered that she had a flat. She got the jack out of the trunk and began to change the flat. A nice man dressed in business suit and carrying a briefcase walked up to her and said,

'I notice you're changing a flat tire. Would you like me to take care of it for you?'

The woman was grateful for his offer and accepted his help. They chatted amiably while the man changed the flat, and then put the flat tire and the jack in the trunk, shut it and dusted his hands off.

The woman thanked him profusely, and as she was about to get in her car, the man told her that he left his car around on the other side of the mall, and asked if she would mind giving him a lift to his car. She was a little surprised and asked him why his car was on the other side. He explained that he had met an old friend in the mall whom he hadn't seen for some time and they had a bite to eat and visited for a while; he got turned around in the mall and left through the wrong exit, and now he was running late and his car was clear around on the other side of the mall.

The woman hated to tell him 'no' because he had just rescued her from having to change her flat tire all by herself, but she felt uneasy.
Then she remembered seeing the man put his briefcase in her trunk before shutting it and before he asked her for the ride to his car.

She told him that she'd be happy to drive him to his car, but she just remembered one last thing she needed to buy. She said she would only be a few minutes; he could sit down in her car and wait for her; she would be as quick as she could be. She hurried into the mall, and told a security guard what had happened; the guard came out to her car with her, but the man had left.

They opened the trunk, took out his locked briefcase and took it down to the police station. The police opened it (ostensibly to look for ID so they could return it to the man). What they found was rope, duct tape and knives.

When the police checked her 'flat' tire, there was nothing wrong with it; the air had simply been let out. It was obvious what the man's motive was, and obvious that he had carefully thought it out in advance.

The woman was blessed to have escaped harm. How much worse it would have been had she waited in the car while the man fixed the tire, or if she had a baby strapped into a car seat. Or if she'd gone against her judgment and given him a lift. I'd like you to
forward this to all the women you know.

It may save a life
. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle. I was going to send this to the ladies only; but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, etc., you may want to pass it on to them as well.

Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it....
better safe than sorry.



Pass this along to every woman you meet. Never let your guard down.


lawak sejenak :)

Tijah ingin memutuskan perhubungan dengan boyfriend MAT SALLEH nya....

Dia tak sanggup bertemu muka, lalu dia pun mengutus surat.....surat itu macam nie bunyinya:

Hi, my motive write this letter is to give know you something.

I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION US. I have think about this very cook cook.

I know i clap one hand only. Correctly, i have seen you and she together at town with eyes myself. you always ask for apology back back. I don't trust you again!!!! You are really crocodile land....

My friend speak you play wood three....Now I know you correct play wood, I break connection to pull my body from this love triangle........I know this result i pick is very correct....because you love she very high from, i break off to go far from here...I don;t want you to play play with my liver...I have been crying until no more eye water thinking about you.............I don't want banana to fruit two times..................................

Safe walk,


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

sedetik lebih.........~~~~~~~

Setiap nafas yang dihembus
Setiap degupan jantung
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Dalam sedar dibuai angan
Dalam tidur dan khayalan
Aku selalu memikirkanmu
Ternyata ku perlukan cinta dari dirimu sayang
Barulah terasa ku bernyawa
Kasihku…ku amat mencintai kamu
Kerana kau beri erti hidup
Ku kan terus mencinta sedetik lebih selepas selamanya
Di kala penuh ketakutan dengan badai kehidupan
Ku bersyukur adanya kamu
Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia
Asal masih adanya kamu